Union Membership Gives Strength in Numbers!
All workers benefit from unions because unions set pay standards and workplace protections. Union members — workers like you — benefit most from the union’s collective bargaining power to negotiate with employers on their behalf. This basic right gives you as a union member more power than if you tried to negotiate as an individual.
More benefits of union membership.
Unions help protect employees from unjust dismissal through collective bargaining agreements (CBA). Because of this, most union employees cannot be fired without “just cause.” This is unlike many nonunion workers who are considered “at-will” employees and can be fired at any time for almost any reason.
Labor unions give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining.

IBEW Union Authorization Card
What is union authorization for representation? The authorization is a card or petition signed by an employee indicating his or her desire to form a union at their place of employment. The authorization states that the employee “authorizes the IBEW to represent them in collective bargaining. The overseeing agency (NLRB) will require that a majority of you sign cards authorizing us to represent you before we can seek to be recognized as your exclusive bargaining representative. The cards are a way of proving that most of you want the IBEW to represent you
All information is strictly confidential and never shared with the company!.
Have a question about organizing your workplace…contact us.